Os espectáculos de Turisas, agendados para os dias 24 e 25 de Maio, no Cine Teatro Corroios e Hard Club, foram adiados para Novembro.
O grupo colocou o seguinte comunicado no site oficial:
“Due to unforeseen technical problems, TURISAS are sad to confirm that they have had to postpone their forthcoming dates in SPAIN and PORTUGAL. We are working with the local promoters right now to reschedule these shows in November 2011. The shows are NOT cancelled and current ticket holders will be able to use their tickets for the rescheduled shows. We are hoping to announce the new schedule in the next 48 hours. Our sincere apologies to all those who have already bought tickets and were looking forward to the shows – we are definitely still coming, just not as soon as we had hoped.”
As novas datas serão anunciadas brevemente.
Os bilhetes adquiridos serão válidos para as novas datas. No entanto, os portadores de bilhete válido para os concertos que desejem proceder à devolução do bilhete e respectivo reembolso, devem dirigir-se ao local de compra para o efeito, no prazo máximo de 30 dias a terminar dia 25 de Junho.
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